Monday, September 5, 2011

Who assigned the mean cafeteria lady to MY life-buffet?

Why do I lately get the distinct impression that life is NOT letting me pick and choose those elements that I want?  I thought the best part about being a grown-up was that could eat whatever-the-heck you wanted at the life-buffet?

Feeling like maybe I've lingered just a BIT too long in line, pondering the less than ideal choices, and trying to get excited about overcooked options, trying to convince myself that that a crusty, heat-lamp induced skin over my choices is even remotely acceptable.  And in addition to the less-than-ideal choices, I also feel rushed and hurried, like I'm supposed to just take what I can from the "Mediocre Cafe", and  "Move ALONG, dearie!"

Well guess what, you crotchety old bag, I DO get to decide what I want out of life.  Yes, you may be the queen of your warmed-over domain, but I awoke today with that dawning re-realization that I don't HAVE to limit myself to just the choices at a sub-par buffet.  I do indeed get to choose.

So no more half-baked, overcooked options for me, thankyouverymuch.   The best part about being a grownup is that I get to decide which buffet I choose from, and it's time for this mountain chick to move on to a buffet with a better selection.  :)

For starters, I'd very much like a large helping of this kind of mountain kitchen:

And I believe I'd like to try some of this as well:

And and sample of 

And for dessert, I'll take two helpings of

(And if anyone wants to go ahead and just plunk The Rock into this last picture, I promise to leave a HUGE tip.)

1 comment:

  1. I would like to jump into the hot tub buffet with a smörgåsbord of cabernet please!
