Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Not quite "Food Porn"

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a love affair with cereal.  Not just ANY cereal, but Special K with Red Berries, to be precise.  So proud to be a healthy adult, and make such a wise food choice!  Until I looked at the bowl and realized it's basically just like Lucky Charms...for grownups.  All I do is pour it out and eat up all the "red berries", just like I used to with the marshmallows when I was a kid.   (Nice how they're not even called Strawberries.  Probably because some poor kid I used to kick in science class is now employed as a fancy schmancy food scientist, and what I'm eating is his morbid concoction of leftover food bits.  "Yezzz bozzzz.  Thezzze willlll pass for berriezzzz.....Mwaahhaaaa"  Because all scientists talk like Dexter and Deedee or Igor, right?)   No matter.  I remain firmly convinced that cereal is the perfect food group, and I will likely continue to pay a ridiculous $4 per box to make myself feel like I'm "mature" and "healthy" by eating something with "Berries" in the title.  I guess the dorky food-scientist kid is having the last (maniacal) laugh on me.

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