Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ward, I'd like you have a word with the Beaver.....

There's a certain amount of satisfaction that comes from a good DIY project.  And then there are days like this, when really I just want someone to blame.  "Ward, I'd like you have a word with the Beaver.  That rascal tore apart the kitchen, then he and Whitey went to go throw rocks in Miller's Pond".  Where the hell is my stereotypical blame-son, or savior-husband when I need them?  Oh yeah, I forgot.  I'm a "strong and independent" woman.

With a big ol' mess to clean up.  By myself.

Here is the nasty little underbelly of my house, in a bedroom that I'm attempting to move my daughter into in just a few days.  I feel like I shouldn't be looking at this, like some prankster pulled down my poor house's dorky house-pants, and exposed it's Toy Story underoos to all the other houses on the block.  I can almost hear the mocking now.  "Ha ha...lookit the dork with the scrawny pipes!  Soggy-drywalled weenie!"

Truth is, this hole has been there for roughly a year and a half, while I attempted to solve whatever leakage problem was apparent.  Replacing bad toilet, check.  Replacing tub and plumbing, check.  Re-connecting venting, check.  The latest fiasco is my discovery that the latest leak is from a faulty roof cap.  How do I know?  Because I'm just brilliant, that's how!   And because I could easily surmise that the water that dripped onto my head yesterday (IN THE BASEMENT) came from a leaky roof.  I'm just that good!

Either that, or I figured it out by tearing apart the kitchen, attempting to find where the dishwasher was leaking.  It was only AFTER rendering my kitchen like this that I figured out the cause:

And now I get to put it ALLLLLLLL back together.  By myself.  And I get to act "happy" about it, because that's what strong, capable, non-June Cleaver remodelers do, right?

Okay, I'll play.  But if anyone wants to loan me their scamp-ish, beanie-wearing son to blame, send me an email.  Or just go ahead and send me Ward.  I'll gladly revert to a circa-1950's role of helpless female, if only long enough to get the mess taken care of.

(Oh, and while Ward and the Beav are here, maybe they can help me program my camera's date-stamp.  God help me if this is like a "Camera Futura" and actually shows me pictures of what this (*&#! house will look like in May of 2012.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I know you'll get it all fixed and put back together cuz you are a rockstar! Then enjoy a few drinks after to celebrate!
