Monday, July 11, 2011

Well that'll teach that cushion to mouth off.....

So this is what greeted me when I got home from work today.  And by "greeted" I mean "this is what made me scream like a banshee, causing the idiot dogs to go running for cover".  Seems that if one takes off a cushion cover to wash it, and ones dogs MAY just deem the underlying cushion as a Defcon 3 threat, and attempt to dismantle the situation.  Either that or the Cat in the Hat came to play on this rainy day, but I got home  riiiiiight before he could help the dogs clean up his naughty cat mess.  Either way, I guess I'm glad it was JUST the pillow and not the deck they destroyed.  (Or the Cat in the Hat, for that matter.  Don't think I'd want the legal ramifications of having to explain that one to the Geisel foundation.)

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